Find Lucid Chart and Lucid Press on LaunchPoint for K-12 Hall County students and teachers.

Initial train-the-trainer training happened 9/26/19.  Find the session handouts at the end of this document.  The demonstration concept map can be found: and will work for anyone with a Lucid Chart account.

Lucid Chart

The Flowchart menu contains Flowchart symbols with specific meanings.

Lucid Chart allows for assigning a chart to students via Canvas.  Students receive a copy of the chart in their Lucid Chart account.  Students can submit their Lucid Charts to assignments (just like Google).  Additionally, student submissions can be graded and annotated in SpeedGrader within Canvas.

Lucid Chart offers the ability to create slides from the infinite canvas inside Charts.  The presentation is a “Prezi-like” experience and is worth your time to look at what this could mean for your classroom.

Lucid Press

Many products would benefit from the color palettes and/or the school mascot icons at

Lucid Press offers Smart Templates with multiple product options.  More common products include brochure, flyer, invitations, magazine, and posters.  Lucid Press offers the features for high-quality printing for those interested in that specific facet.


Both Lucid Charts and Press offer the ability to collaborate between teachers and between students.  The share functionality can be activated through the platform and via a shared link.

NewsELA Supports #LiteracyforHall

NewsELA is a district subscription which focuses on 3-12 grades. NewsELA combines real-time assessments with leveled content from daily news sources and nonfiction publishers, Newsela makes reading to learn relevant, interesting, and effective regardless of interest or ability. Access is via a tile on LaunchPoint for both teachers and students. Class rosters are pulled in from Infinite Campus, or you can group students into “Classes,”

Ready to Use NewsELA

For beginners, consider an Onboarding Workshop. Our “login method” is Clever/ClassLink:

Login Method Clever ClassLink

If you want a start-up walkthrough, consider NewsELA Educator’s Center. You will want to know that under “Set up Classes” we use Clever. This would be ideal to share in your PLC.

Consider becoming a NewsELA Certified Educator either on your own or in a certification course eLearning runs in June.

NewsELA Training

Watch for redelivery from colleagues who attend training sessions at the district level. Make sure your Blended Learning Support Team (BLaST) members and/or leader knows you are interested in future training on NewsELA. Stay tuned for a webinar offering the second semester!

Your BLaST leader will also have the session resource files shared at each out our recent training:
NewsELA links for Session Resources

These links were shared in the session and then shared to the BLaST leaders in Teams.

Start with What you Have

Do not wait for a full class set of Chromebooks. Blended Learning strategies encourage you to use the station rotation model when you have less than a 1:1 classroom. NewsELA would be a perfect station!

NewsELA in varied Tech Settings Graphics

Ask your local BLaST leader for resources shared at the session – the link to which was shared via Microsoft Teams to them.

Hall County Schools provides Turn It In for 6-12 classrooms.

Turn It In is for more than the English Language Arts classroom and for more than just a “Gotcha!”

Is There Help?

Consult the Teacher Quick Start Guide.

Turning on the ETS e-rater, turns on spell check! Turn It In QuickMarks would save any teachers time. Consider including voice comments (up to 3 minutes) for things which go beyond written feedback.

{coming soon Hall County Schools CBA rubrics}


How to get help with Turn It In

Step 1 Click Feedback Studio Step 2 Select Canvas Step 3 Click External Tool


Not sure if it is Turn It In or you? Feel free to check the status of TII at any time on their status page.

In our 4th year of Blended Learning June offerings, we are excited to offer Hall County teachers access to professional learning around the most effective tools to use in a blended learning setting. Online offerings open May 30th and blended offerings start the first face-to-face training day.

All face-to-face training is at the Hall County Instructional Support Center, 2750 Atlanta Highway, Gainesville, GA 30504.

*teachers are not eligible to participate in certifications if they already hold that certification.

Canvas Apps

Canvas Foundational Courses: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 90 spots, $450 paid for completion
Blended format: Leveled to current Canvas instructor experience, this training provides one day of face-to-face training with a Canvas Trainer. To complete the course, finish two days worth of learning, submissions, peer reviews, and assessments online.

brainpop app

*BrainPOP Certification: K-8 Hall County Teachers, 50 spots, $300 paid for completion
Blended format: This training provides one day of face-to-face training with BrainPop. To complete the course, finish one more day online.

thinglink app

*ThingLink Certified Educator Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers,
20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:
Submit to ThingLink before June 14th.

nearpod app

*Nearpod Certified Educator Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:

Submit to Nearpod before June 14th.

newsela app

*NewELA Certified Educator Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:

Submit to NewsELA before June 14th.

flipgrid app

*FlipGrid Certified Educator (Level 1 & 2) Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:

Submit to FlipGrid before June 14th.

*teachers are not eligible to participate in certifications if they already hold that certification.

For all those teachers already using Remind in their classroom, congratulations on the upgrade!
Hall County Schools has purchased a district license for Remind, formerly Remind101. This provides existing users using their Hall County email address Premium Features.  Look for integration with Canvas LMS in August!

Make your own copy of this presentation.

Blended Learning Support Team leaders at each school received training on the administrator’s dashboard.
BLaST leaders were encouraged to form a school plan for communication this Spring with the school leadership.

School BLaST & Administrator Training Resources:

UPDATE for 19-20 School Year:

Brief 30-minute train-the-trainer refresher webinar for BLaST leaders/school Admin or leadership on Remind:

K-5: August 2nd at 9 & 11 AM, 12 & 2 PM 30-minute sessions for a train-the-trainer model/school as a refresher on Remind.

6-12: August 1st at 9&11 AM, 1&3 PM 30-minute sessions for a train-the-trainer model/school as a refresher on Remind.


Check with your Principal on the new handle or username for your school this school year!