In our third year of a Blended Learning June offering, we are excited to have funding for 150 Hall County teachers to receive a $450 stipend upon successful completion before June 22nd.

This year we are able to further customize the participant experience. To “level up” your Blended Learning classroom participants select and collect 100 points.

Canvas Beginners please plan to attend one 3-hour face-to-face Canvas training session on May 30th (AM or PM) as part of your course requirements.

Sign up via Catalog. If you are on the Wait List, please be patient and remember to check your email through the first week of the course for any openings!

Gizmos are science and math simulations for middle and high school.

Hall County teachers and students will both need to sign in to LaunchPoint first and then click the Gizmos tile.


Teachers will then need to create a class prior to students creating their accounts.  The process for both teachers and students are outlined in the two attached pdf documents and can be followed after signing in to LaunchPoint.  Please use the following guidelines when completing the username and password portion of these steps:

Teachers – username –

Teachers – password – Hall Co password

Students – username – Student ID# (XXXXXX)

Students – password – Hall Co password

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