Teachers may be interested in more self-paced Canvas learning management system (LMS) training before August. Share these resources with them while the time is right to learn at a more leisurely pace.

Teachers with some Canvas Training:

  1. Use this Canvas Field Guide registration link to create your Canvas Network Account using your HallCo email address. Use the Join code below to enroll in the Canvas Field Guide course.  What is the Canvas Network?
    The Join code is: ****** (see your BLaST leader for the code)
  2. Once, registered, click HERE to access the Canvas Field Guide Course.

Teachers new to HallCo/Canvas:

  1. Access the Help>Training Services Portal. If you are new to this, find a Canvas Guide HERE.
  2. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Under Learning Library complete the learning pathway “K12 First Day Ready.” A series of four badges will be generated for the participant. One certificate will be generated upon completion and could be collected by the school.

2020 is our 5th year of Blended Learning June offerings, we are excited to offer Hall County teachers access to professional learning around the most effective tools to use in a blended learning setting. Online offerings open for enrollment May 22nd.

All eLearning sessions are online this year.
Some sessions have a synchronous component, please check your calendars in advance of signing up.

As always eLearning keeps a waiting list and strives to fill any vacancies which arise, so please consider signing up for the waitlist if you were not able to get into your favorite offering.

*teachers are not eligible to participate in certifications if they already hold that certification.

Visit Catalog when signed into Canvas to sign up for these courses and more!






Canvas Training has been updated!

Hall County School District offers many ways to learn about Canvas by Instructure, our learning management system (LMS).

Learn Canvas Face-to-Face

Five iterations of face-to-face training:

  • June 3, 4, 5
  • August 14, 15, 16
  • October 2, 3, 4
  • January 28, 29, 30
  • March 3, 4, 5

Each iteration offers Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced training. Each training contains activities directed by an expert from Canvas and the training contains activities that show participant competence.

Training Descriptions:

Beginning – Course Basics, Canvas Commons, Course Settings, Modules, Creating Content/Accessibility, Communication Tools, Assignments

Intermediate – Assessment Tools, Outcomes and Rubrics, Group Work & Collaboration, Gradebook and Speedgrader.
PREREQUISITE: Beginner Canvas Training or Growing with Canvas in Hall County online course (found in Catalog)

Advanced – Agenda to Include: managing assessments, group work and collaboration – Google and Office, mastery paths, getting starter with Badgr.
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate Canvas Training

Learn Canvas Online, on your Own

Online, Asynchronous Beginners Canvas course. Each month this course offers a way to work through the content on your own. See your BLaST leader for a reminder of how to sign-up in Catalog for a course as needed.

September 2019 Online Course


Learn On Demand with Canvas Experts

Canvas Training Support Services

You can watch videos or sign up for future, live webinars. These webinars have one expert who shows you what to do in Canvas and one Canvas expert who runs the chat window answering your questions.

You need to Authorize this, much like you did the first time you used Google within Canvas.

Make sure once you are logged in to look through the Learning Library and Training Calendar (below).  Your My Learning section is a listing of the sessions you have signed up for, with an option to reschedule.

Register for Live Webinars

Ther remain many ways for educators in our district to learn about Canvas.

Follow this blog for more information and to keep up on the latest face-to-face training on our calendar.

In our 4th year of Blended Learning June offerings, we are excited to offer Hall County teachers access to professional learning around the most effective tools to use in a blended learning setting. Online offerings open May 30th and blended offerings start the first face-to-face training day.

All face-to-face training is at the Hall County Instructional Support Center, 2750 Atlanta Highway, Gainesville, GA 30504.

*teachers are not eligible to participate in certifications if they already hold that certification.

Canvas Apps

Canvas Foundational Courses: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 90 spots, $450 paid for completion
Blended format: Leveled to current Canvas instructor experience, this training provides one day of face-to-face training with a Canvas Trainer. To complete the course, finish two days worth of learning, submissions, peer reviews, and assessments online.

brainpop app

*BrainPOP Certification: K-8 Hall County Teachers, 50 spots, $300 paid for completion
Blended format: This training provides one day of face-to-face training with BrainPop. To complete the course, finish one more day online.

thinglink app

*ThingLink Certified Educator Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers,
20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:
Submit to ThingLink before June 14th.

nearpod app

*Nearpod Certified Educator Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:

Submit to Nearpod before June 14th.

newsela app

*NewELA Certified Educator Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:

Submit to NewsELA before June 14th.

flipgrid app

*FlipGrid Certified Educator (Level 1 & 2) Certification: K-12 Hall County Teachers, 20 spots, $150 paid for completion
Online format:

Submit to FlipGrid before June 14th.

*teachers are not eligible to participate in certifications if they already hold that certification.

For all those teachers already using Remind in their classroom, congratulations on the upgrade!
Hall County Schools has purchased a district license for Remind, formerly Remind101. This provides existing users using their Hall County email address Premium Features.  Look for integration with Canvas LMS in August!

Make your own copy of this presentation.

Blended Learning Support Team leaders at each school received training on the administrator’s dashboard.
BLaST leaders were encouraged to form a school plan for communication this Spring with the school leadership.

School BLaST & Administrator Training Resources:

UPDATE for 19-20 School Year:

Brief 30-minute train-the-trainer refresher webinar for BLaST leaders/school Admin or leadership on Remind:

K-5: August 2nd at 9 & 11 AM, 12 & 2 PM 30-minute sessions for a train-the-trainer model/school as a refresher on Remind.

6-12: August 1st at 9&11 AM, 1&3 PM 30-minute sessions for a train-the-trainer model/school as a refresher on Remind.


Check with your Principal on the new handle or username for your school this school year!