Updates to Read&Write

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Latest Updates for Read&Write are LIVE! 

Read&Write is a dynamic Chrome Extension Available for all members of Hall County Schools to support literacy.  The tool can help with everyday tasks such as reading text aloud, understanding unfamiliar words, and even researching assignments.

In July 2024, Read&Write added additional features to their product that include:

  • Co:Writer Prediction: This will provide the strongest, and most accurate word prediction available on the market. It includes a simple-to-use word prediction engine, specifically designed to free up ideas so they more naturally flow into writing – helping to overcome writer’s block and word recall issues.
  • Topics: With Topics, students get topic-specific vocabulary at their fingertips – no more struggling with complex terms. Just a few clicks or keystrokes unlock content-specific words, boosting writing efficiency.
  • To ease the transition and cater to individual preferences, Read&Write will offer three different toolbar modes:
    • Horizontal Mode: The familiarity of the current Read&Write toolbar, with a few small changes. Toolbar sits at the top of the screen and is fully customizable.
    • Vertical Mode: Toolbar is docked on the right hand side of the screen. It’s customizable too, so students can add icons from Read&Write toolbar as desired.
    • Writing Mode: Ideal for students who primarily need writing support and may get overwhelmed with a toolbar with many different features.

The Read&Write Feature Tour is a great resource for teachers and students that shows videos of how to use each item on the Read&Write Tool Bar.

To find additional training guides and webinars (live and on-demand), please visit the Texthelp Academy .