Nearpod training is September 12th for middle and high school teachers and September 14th for elementary teachers. We hope to offer training again in the Spring.

Nearpod is a K-12 subscription this year for the first time in Hall County Schools. We have added a tile on LuanchPoint for the teacher which currently presents the chance to login via Google account (make sure you select your HallCo email). For students, the icon takes them to the screen where they can “join” a Nearpod lesson.

Canvas Integration is a big deal for our district. We have already made Nearpod available in your Canvas Course and you can add Student-paced Nearpods as Canvas Assignments. Check out these step-by-steps Nearpod provides – select Canvas Guide.

Check out all of the Nearpod Getting Started Resources.

How Does Nearpod Work?

Nearpod is an engagement tool that allows teachers to send content to student devices in real time and give students the opportunity to send teachers responses to questions in the form of interactive activities. See the video below which shows how to launch a session and the view the students will have on their devices.

Watch the video below and consider how Nearpod could enhance your curriculum.


The subscription service of live webinars on Canvas topics offered this summer – Canvas Training –  has been extended through this school year!

The training is live webinars with question and answer is staffed by Canvas experts who can help gain a deeper understanding of Canvas. This subscription now runs now to June 30th. This will continue as a link under the Help menu in Canvas.

If you want to sign up now, please follow the directions below:

  • Visit the Training Account Creation. page and sign up for an account using your district email
  • After creating your account, log into the Training Portal.using your newly created credentials
    • For faster access, click ?/Help on the far left ribbon and select Canvas Training.
  • You should now see a calendar of available training sessions which you can sign up for at any time
  • Our Getting Started in Subscription Training Guide. (below) explains our different training series, as well as the recommended training curriculum for a variety of roles (admin, K12 instructor, support etc.)
  • To explore the full listing of our training offerings and download training agendas, please see our Offerings Space

Learn about Canvas Training:

The eLearning group was honored to meet our newest employees on the second day of New Employee Orientation 2018-2019 at the Academy of Discoveries.
Teachers in elementary were able to spend more time exploring than 6-12 teachers, but all teachers were exposed to the important components of educational technology in our district.

This is the presentation delivery by eLearning:

LaunchPoint v 3.0 is now available to students and staff.

Use our HallCo credentials at to log into this upgraded experience.

LaunchPoint includes district-level and school-level applications on delivery in the My Apps section. The end user can also add application tiles and opt to have their passwords saved for them within LaunchPoint. Users can configure apps into folders, change the sizes and shapes of apps, and enjoys some choices for their background.

While we strive for true Single Sign-On (SSO) where the end user clicks it and then is immediately logged in, there exist a variety of experiences right now. Applications like Canvas provide true SSO, an application such as Nearpod offer a simpler sign-on, with the intermediate step of logging in via Google with HallCo credentials, and finally adding your own apps may require you to store your credentials in the ClassLink Browser Extension.

The My Files section offers both teachers and students the opportunity to access documents from a variety of cloud storages: Dropbox, Google, Office365.

LaunchPoint was reviewed at the New Employee Orientation and Blended Learning Support Team (BLaST) leaders will be trained August 2, 2018, at the Instructional Support Center.


In our third year of a Blended Learning June offering, we are excited to have funding for 150 Hall County teachers to receive a $450 stipend upon successful completion before June 22nd.

This year we are able to further customize the participant experience. To “level up” your Blended Learning classroom participants select and collect 100 points.

Canvas Beginners please plan to attend one 3-hour face-to-face Canvas training session on May 30th (AM or PM) as part of your course requirements.

Sign up via Catalog. If you are on the Wait List, please be patient and remember to check your email through the first week of the course for any openings!