POC Application


For this portion of the application, you will enter the email addresses of your 8th grade teachers and your counselor. You must enter their addresses correctly for them to receive a message requesting an evaluation for you. Click Submit when you have finished entering this information.

Request Teacher Recommendations
All High School Programs of Choice ask for three 8th grade academic teacher recommendations. Please note the following guidelines for entering in teacher names for teacher recommendations, but each program has this outlined for the student on the application.
  • JISA applicants must have a recommendation from their ELA, Social Studies, and one other academic teacher.
  • STEM and STEAM applicants must have a recommendation from their Math, Science, and one other academic teacher.
  • For all other programs of choice, applicants may be able to choose recommendations from any 3 academic teachers
For the program for which you are applying, please put in the required 3 teachers as outlined above. You may also include an optional 4th teacher recommendation, which could be from any current 8th grade teacher or from a 7th grade teacher.
Student First and Last Name(Required)
(Choose one from the drop-down menu; only choose your first choice school. The teacher recommendations will be shared with your second choice school if applicable)
(Please look up your teachers’ email addresses and type them in carefully and correctly.)

OPTIONAL: 7th Grade Teacher or another Teacher E-mail

Please submit the email address of any 7th grade teacher who knows you well or any other teacher you would like to include. It could be a connections teacher, academic teacher, coach, etc. This teacher will receive a recommendation form that will be included in your application.

REQUIRED: Your Counselor's E-mail

Enter your 8th grade counselor’s email address below. Your counselor will complete the FINAL part of your application. Failing to enter your teachers’ or counselor’s email addresses will result in an incomplete application. If you have any questions, please see your middle school counselor.
Enter your 8th grade counselor’s email address, using the chart below. Your counselor will complete the FINAL part of your application. Failing to enter your teachers’ or counselor’s email addresses will result in an incomplete application. If you have any questions, please see your middle school counselor.

School Counselor 1 Email Counselor 2 Email
Cherokee Bluff Middle School ronnie.jones@hallco.org cassie.chaffin@hallco.org
Chestatee Academy Mary.Lawson@hallco.org H.interholzinger@hallco.org
East Hall Middle School amanda.mcguire@hallco.org lindseym.savage@hallco.org
Davis Middle School cori.hart@hallco.org angelina.romero@hallco.org
Academies of Discovery Philip.elrod@hallco.org leann.owens@hallco.org
North Hall Middle School Lori.Stone@hallco.org Lexxi.Summer@hallco.org
West Hall Middle School jean-paul.eslava@hallco.org arielle.sabina@hallco.org
World Language Middle School simone.griffith@hallco.org  
***If you see a spinning wheel after clicking the submit button below, this indicates your request has been successfully sent.***
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.